Project Cyclops 08:08:00 0 Project Cyclops b y Thomas Hoover ."Keep her above three hundred meters on the approach." Ramirez's... READ MORE +
Brindle's Oddysey 08:56:00 0 Brindle' s Oddysey b y Nicholas Antinozzi There were three members of the Grand Medicine Society, known in the Ojibwe lan... READ MORE +
10 A.C. God Wills It! 05:50:00 0 10 A.C. Goo d Wills It! b y W. Wm . Mee The crack of the whip, the clink of the chains and the cries of the enslaved drifted... READ MORE +
Arcadia Snips and the Steamwork Consortium 18:18:00 0 Arcadia Snips and the Steamwork Consortium b y Robert C. Rodgers "In yet another example of tragically ... READ MORE +
200 Steps Down 13:11:00 0 200 Ste ps Down b y Morris Kenyon * The names, characters, places and events in this book are products of the writer's... READ MORE +